There have been many patient questions about Vitamin D in the past few weeks Orange County, as the Spring sun is starting to shine, the cold afternoons are disappearing Orange County and many people are still inside their Orange County houses and not going out, except to grocery shop once a week in the early hours. These Orange County people are asking, “I’m not going outside, am I getting enough Vitamin D?”
The medical researchers tell us that Vitamin D is Vitamin D Orange County no matter how you get it. There are three ways to get Vitamin D Orange County; you get it from food, sun or supplements. Vitamin D comes into our diets from foods Orange County that have essential fatty acids like tuna, salmon and beef livers. You may not know Orange County that Vitamin D is Fat Soluble and Vitamin D is actually stored in our Fat Cells. Because Vitamin D Orange County is not eaten in amounts large enough to satisfy our daily needs, food manufacturers have put Vitamin D in our milk and cereals to help us.
Now there is no reason Orange County to believe that you have to go outside to get your Vitamin D, but it is very beneficial to be outdoors and take a walk once a day Orange County. Exercise is very important, walking is very beneficial for you, even a 10 minute walk each day to get Vitamin D, but it isn’t necessary to go out and over-expose yourself Orange County in the name of Vitamin D.
Orange County, supplements is the third way to get Vitamin D. You will read of the benefits of Vitamin D2 versus Vitamin D3, but the reality is that they both will benefit you Orange County. There are absorption studies on Vitamin D2 and D3, but Orange County the reality is that either one will benefit you.