Orange County Covid-19 Business Supplies
T-Shirt that Says Keep Your Distance Growing up I used to hear the Orange County expression, as it related to going shopping that Orange County men were hunters and Orange County women shoppers. Men headed into a store with one or two items on their Orange...
Orange County Schools and the Covid-19 Dilemma
Well Orange County we are now into the month of September 2020. I do not know about you Orange County, but September has always been a month of the beginning of new beginnings in Orange County. Students go back to Orange County schools, including...
Orange County It’s Time to Eat Our Veggies
Salad with Fruits and Vegetables Orange County we’ve talked a great deal on wearing our beautiful face masks and extensive time about our hands and Orange County sanitizers, but maybe it’s the moment to discuss our Orange County diets and to be present in our thinking...
Orange County Your Face Mask is You Best Defense
People Wearing Face Masks Orange County you know it, everyone is saying it, but Orange County it is time to hear it again that wearing your face masks when you are out and about in Orange County and using hand sanitizer or washing your hands after touching surfaces...
Orange County It’s Time to See Your Doctor
Orange County Ferris Wheel Too many Orange County patients are not coming into the doctor’s officec in the city of Orange County for fear of dying from the Coronavirus. My friends in Orange County this is not the way to take care of yourselves in this day and age. ...
Is Orange County Thinking of Suicide?
Texas MD Chart on Covid-19 Risk of Activities It’s something that Orange County has been asking itself about since the beginning of the pandemic. Are more Orange County Citizens going to be thinking about suicide? Orange County Individuals and Orange...
Expectation in Orange County Doctors’ Offices August 2020
Over and over again as a primary care physician in Orange County, while we are in the midst of the COV-ID 19 crisis, tell me if you are not struck in Orange County by how all encompassing this crisis is for you, your family and your patients. Tell me that it...
Are We Going to Wear A Mask Orange County?
People Wearing Masks and Social Distancing For all those people of Orange County, California and other parts of the United States on July 11, 2020 Donald Trump President of the United States was seen in public wearing a mask during a visit with U.S. Soldiers at Walter...
Teenagers Ask, “Do I Want to Be a Medical Doctor?”
As a teenager, you are often faced with many choices for a potential career path, that is often bewildering in its complexity. Often your idea of a job is governed by what you see on TV, in ads or on sitcoms or is based on stereotypes. It is easy for teenagers...
How to Choose a Medical Specialty
There are few decisions that are more important for a young medical student than the specialty they choose. There are plenty of considerations to take into account while leading to that decision. The specialty someone chooses while in school will have big impacts on...