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Orange County please take note that The Center for Disease Control in conjunction with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is recommending that everyone in Orange County that is six (6) months and older to get an annual influenza vaccination, which is short for get your Flu Shot Orange County.  The point of the vaccination is to keep Orange County residents safe from the flu strain that can have serious consequences for people, especially Orange County Californians who are at a high risk for having serious complications if they get the flu.

Orange County it is difficult enough when one gets the flu.  Are you familiar with the symptoms of people getting the flu?  Orange County flu symptoms might include having a fever, high temperature and/or chills.  If you catch the flu in Orange County, you might have a cough or a sore throat and there could be times you’ll suffer a headache, feel run down and tired, your Orange County body could ache and there are some of you who can never avoid the funny nose.  Its also very important to know Orange County that you do not necessarily have a fever when you have the flu.  Oftentimes you will have a fever, but Orange County  it is not necessarily going to happen.

The high majority of Orange County that gets the flu will recover nicely in under two weeks’ time, often it will be a few days; however, some Orange County residents having the flu may progress to pneumonia and this can get to be life threatening and lead to death.  That is why it is important for everyone in Orange County 6 months and older get a flu shot.