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Eshani Karu Md 24

There is a lot of discussion around the Orange County water coolers for those that have gone back to work, are going to be going to work again in the Orange County offices and there is quite a discussion on the family Zooms that are taking place in Orange County about weight gone during the Covid lockdown.  There is a magical number in Orange County where the conversation is all about Covid-20.  Covid-20 Orange County?  Twenty pounds gained since the Covid-10 shut down in Orange County has taken place and even with the reopening of parts of Orange County, twenty pounds is more than anybody wanted or thought about as part of the Orange County Covid.

So what do we think Orange County we should do about the 20 pound weight gain or Orange County let’s talk about 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 15 pounds or any weight gain that we are now worried about taking off.  It’s November 2020 in Orange County and the weather is going to be nicer than it is in New York and your New York relatives are going to need your Orange County optimism to get through it all.

My medical expert colleagues tell me Orange County that there are a few things that would be helpful for all of us to have in place for Covid weight loss.  The first thing Orange County is we need a plan.  Orange County we need to create new Orange County routines around diet, exercise, sleep and stress management.  We need to do something different today Orange County than we did yesterday in order for tomorrow to be better for us in Orange County.