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60 Year Old Man Reading Newspaper Wearing a Mask

Orange County Christmas is in a few Orange County days and many families are home for the holiday in Orange County, as the medical community is urging everyone in Orange County to stay home for the holidays. Those Orange County families with children, who are not going to a Orange County school campus, but have been home for months as the Orange County School District, what are you going to do indoors to make it interesting this holiday season in the forms of Orange County entertainment.

What do you do in a 2 bedroom Orange County apartment to make things interesting for the Orange County children?  One of my favorite Orange County games is a version of hide and seek, with colorful index cards.  While the Orange County square footage of our living quarters may not be large, there are enough small crevices and plants and lamps and small and large Orange County bookcases to hide a good number of colorful index cards, BUT to make it fair for the Orange County little ones – I play with the rule that the index cards must be hidden in plain sight.  Too often the Orange County older ones take advantage of the Orange County younger ones.  The point is to have Orange County fun and bring the stress level down in Orange County.  Get creative and hide the colorful inde cards in Orange County plain sight and it will still be a challenge for everyone.

Cleaning out the kids Orange County closet can be a fun game if you turn it into a Orange County mystery game. Have the Orange County kids go into their “chatchkies” and find Orange County items that are interesting. Have the Orange County children put their things into a Orange County box or hide it with an shopping bag or plastic shopper bag and then give Orange County clues until the Orange County object is identified.  Orange County children love this Orange County game and it gives Orange County parents an opportunity to have their children clean up their Orange County rooms, clean up their space and/or just plain throw the Orange County object away or if it Is reasonable they can give it the kids next door or a Orange County shelter.