When deciding on the career path that will make you most fulfilled, you may have considered the medical field. With a wide range of positions and an ongoing need for skilled workers, medicine is an exciting option to many. However, before committing to the medical field, read on to see if you have the right temperament for this industry.
Attention to Detail
Everyone in the medical field must have one skill in common: a superb attention to detail. Something as simple as a typo can lead to a fatal incident. This is particularly important for doctors and surgeons, who are the most directly responsible for a patient’s care plan. Other positions also require this skill, as interpreting information correctly and catching errors can mean the difference between life or death in many scenarios.
Mental Discipline
There is a tremendous amount of pertinent information each medical professional is required to know. From something standard, such as CPR, to something more complex, such as known drug interactions, it is essential for people to be well-versed in all areas. While there are specialists who focus in particular disciplines, and while it is possible to look up many medical guidelines, some situations are so time-sensitive that memorizing information becomes crucial to the health of your patients.
Sacrificing Personal Life
One unfortunate side effect of working in the medical field is how necessary your presence is. For example, staff that are present during a natural disaster may be required to remain on-duty for much longer than they were scheduled, especially if their replacements are not able to make it in. Additionally, you have much less leeway to take a sick day, let alone a mental health day. Even vacations and holidays come second to staffing needs; many health professionals are required to work holidays and submit vacations several months in advance.
While the aforementioned points may sound scary to some, those who are unphased may find that the medical field is a great option for them. There are many positives to working in medicine, but it is important to be realistic about the day-to-day. If you feel up for this challenge, take a closer look at career paths in medicine to determine whether it is something you want to pursue.